Message from the Principal

I am incredibly proud to be the Principal of such a wonderful school community. Solway is at the centre of a connected community, actively involved with the school and valued for the generosity of time, energy, and expertise that its members bring to the school. 


Our vision: 'Empowering curious and caring learners to thrive in an inclusive community.'


 The purpose of the Solway Primary School community is to:

  • Nurture self-aware individuals who are confident to be themselves, think for themselves and express themselves
  • Prepare students with the knowledge, skills and capabilities to pursue their future aspirations
  • Develop strong values of empathy, respect and inclusion 
  • Encourage active participation in community building, sustainability, and working collaboratively with others to make the world a better place
  • Foster resilience and adaptability in individuals, encouraging a well-balanced lifestyle that supports physical, mental and social health and wellbeing
  • Inspire and motivate all to love learning and be ambitious in their current and future endeavours
  • Provide a welcoming, comfortable and stimulating environment for all learners


 To achieve this, we recognise the importance of educating the whole child. This involves not only maintaining our high expectations of student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy but encouraging our students to create and innovate through a rigorous and rich curriculum based on a developmental approach, achieved through the provision of quality programs in Visual and Performing Arts, Science, Physical Education and Sport, Inquiry learning and Japanese Language. These programs are highly valued and supported by the school community. This is further enhanced by a range of engaging and enriching whole-school programs and extra-curricular activities both within and beyond the classroom. A strong emphasis is given to educating our students to live healthy, balanced lifestyles by promoting healthy eating, exercise, leisure pursuits and active citizenship.


At Solway Primary School, we embody the following core values to guides our collaboration, decision-making and actions: 

  • Respect – for ourselves, others and the environment
  • Responsibility – for ourselves, our words and our actions
  • Integrity – to communicate and act with good purpose and intent


These core values are supported by our additional values:

  • Inclusion and Understanding
  • Care and Compassion
  • Honesty and Fairness


In 2018 Solway celebrated ten years of sustainability, of which we are justifiably proud. As a 5 Star Sustainable School under the ResourceSmart Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI Vic), our Sustainability teams – parents, staff and students, work hard to continue our achievements in the five areas of Water, Waste, Energy, Biodiversity and Curriculum. The whole school Inquiry throughline of sustainability ensures that this remains a focus for classroom studies across the school.


 5star logo


 School tours for prospective parents are available via appointment. Please contact the School Office to arrange one on 9885 2421 or email us at

I look forward to meeting you.


Lyn Rodda


© Copyright 2022 Solway Primary School